Gazprom suspended supplies via Nord Stream on August 31

MOSCOW, 31 Aug – PRIME. On August 31, Gazprom completely stopped pumping gas through the Nord Stream due to scheduled work at the gas pumping unit of the Portovaya compressor station (CS), the press service of the Russian company reported.

Gas supplies via Nord Stream suspended for three days

“Supply via Nord Stream has been completely stopped, today scheduled preventive work on the gas pumping unit begins,” Gazprom’s official Telegram channel says.

Officials of the company added that pumping, according to the announcement, was stopped at 4:00 Moscow time and will resume on September 3rd.

The shutdown of Nord Stream was previously reported by the pipeline operator Nord Stream AG and the operators of the German gas transmission systems (GTS).

At the same time, Russian gas supplies in transit through Ukraine have not changed after the Nord Stream shutdown and are expected to be at the level of previous days on Wednesday. The application for pumping through the gas measuring station (GIS) “Sudzha”, according to the website of the “GTS Operator of Ukraine”, as of August 31, is 42.2 million cubic meters. Deliveries through the GIS “Sohranivka” are not carried out, as Ukraine rejects the application of “Gazprom”.

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