Geforce GTX Titan sells well – in Sweden

On February 21, Nvidia released the new flagship Geforce GTX Titan. The graphics card is based on the world’s most expensive graphics processor GK110 with as many as 7.1 billion transistors and also includes an unusually juicy price tag – around SEK 9,000 including VAT.

However, the fact that the model costs a small fortune in the context of graphics cards does not deter Swedish consumers, who are known for preferring lavish components. Now, one month after launch, retailers and distributors report that over 500 copies of the Geforce GTX Titan have been sold in Sweden.

We sell all the Geforce GTX Titan we get from the most popular manufacturers and could probably sell even more if the supply were better. Just over 500 in total in Sweden is a reasonable figure.

A marketing manager at one of the largest retailers tells SweClockers that especially models from the most popular manufacturers go home in the cabins, which indicates that the enthusiasts choose to place the coins on familiar ground. With about 500 copies sold to 9.5 million inhabitants, Sweden may well be one of the Titan-densest countries in the world in terms of per capita.

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A quick look at PriceSpy shows, however, that there is Geforce GTX Titan left in stock, even if it is not about any larger volumes. The remaining listed models are mainly also the lowest priced.