Nvidia’s market share in graphics cards is 83 percent

It has not escaped anyone that the latest generation of graphics cards are not the easiest to get hold of. Those who actually get to the warehouse shelves fly off them about as fast and the prices are far above the recommended (MSRP). Among those who map the PC market is Jon Peddie Research, which, among other things, summarizes statistics on graphics cards per quarter.


The third quarter of the year is traditionally one of the stronger ones, something that has changed due to the corona pandemic and lack of circuitry. According to Jon Peddie Research, deliveries of graphics circuits decreased by as much as 18.2 percent compared with the second quarter of the year, which rhymes well with the fact that prices continued to increase during the autumn and supply deteriorated. On the other hand, the market grew by 12 percent on an annual basis. The figures refer to graphics circuits integrated in processors from AMD and Intel as well as dedicated graphics cards.

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Covid continues to unbalance the fragile supply chain that relied too heavily upon a just-in-time strategy. We don’t expect to see a stabilized supply chain until the end of 2022. In the meantime, there will be some surprises. – Jon Peddie

In terms of graphics market players, AMD’s deliveries decreased by 11.4 percent. Things are even worse for Intel, whose number of processors with integrated graphics circuits decreased by as much as 25.6 percent. The only one whose volumes did not decrease was Nvidia, which instead increased its deliveries by 8 percent.

Calculated in market shares, the figures for deliveries speak for themselves. Intel, which lost the most, also made a decline of 6.2 percentage points, but is still dominant thanks to processors with integrated graphics components with a market share of 62 percent. The other two parts of Intel’s dropout, of which AMD squeezes 1.4 percentage points and Nvidia grabs 4.86 percentage points.


When integrated solutions are excluded, a brighter picture is painted. The number of graphics cards delivered increased by 10.9 percent compared with the second quarter of the year. Interestingly, this does not lead to a change in market shares between AMD and Nvidia, which are still at 17 and 83 percentage points respectively. This suggests that both companies increased their deliveries by just over 10 percent.

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Despite the quarter’s gloomier figures, it looks somewhat brighter on an annual basis, as deliveries compared with the same period last year instead increased by 12 percent. However, Jon Peddie Research’s CEO, Jon Peddie himself, notes that the effects of the pandemic still persist. They do not expect the supply chain to stabilize before the end of 2022.