Germany once again called for the launch of Nord Stream 2

BERLIN, 15 Oct – PRIME. Germany will lose the “economic war” if it does not agree to use Nord Stream 2 and does not try to initiate peace talks with Moscow on Ukraine, said Alisa Weidel, co-chair of the opposition right-wing Alternative for Germany (AfD) party.

Germany announced the strengthening of protection of critical infrastructure

“An economic war is being waged against Germany,” Weidel said in an interview with Deutschlandfunk radio, without specifying who is fighting against Germany.

The politician stressed that Germany itself could become the losing side in this war. In this regard, the AfD party advocates the speedy launch of gas through Nord Stream 2 and peace talks on the events in Ukraine with the participation of Moscow.

As for the referendums on the accession of new territories to the Russian Federation, Weidel believes that this topic is not for Germany.

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“We must look at our country, what is happening here and now. And we must definitely prevent the death of our enterprises,” the opposition politician stressed.

Europe needs additional energy supplies, but politicians there do not admit mistakes and do not declare the need for Russian gas from gas pipelines that are not used in full or are not used – Yamal-Europe, the Ukrainian gas transportation system (GTS) and the Northern flow 2,” Russian Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak said earlier.