IAEA mission to assess physical damage to Zaporozhye NPP

MOSCOW, 29 Aug – PRIME. Upon arrival at the Zaporozhye NPP, the IAEA mission will assess the physical damage to the facilities, determine the operability of the main and backup security and safety systems. This is stated in the statement of the organization.

Russia is ready to assist the IAEA mission at every stage, Zakharova said

“Upon arrival in Zaporozhye later this week, the IAEA mission will assess the physical damage to the facilities, determine the operability of the main and backup security systems, and also assess the working conditions of the control room personnel,” the document says.

It is added that the agency will also take urgent safeguards measures to verify that nuclear material is used only for peaceful purposes.

“The IAEA assistance and support mission to the Zaporozhye NPP will clarify the situation and help eliminate any conflicting information about the state of the facility, its operation and the damage caused to it,” the statement said.

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Earlier on Monday, IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi said that the organization’s mission is already heading to the Zaporozhye NPP and will arrive on site this week. Mikhail Ulyanov, Russia’s permanent representative to international organizations in Vienna, said that the agency’s specialists had set off in the morning.