In Germany, said that gas reserves do not compensate for the missing volumes

BERLIN, 31 Aug – PRIME. Missing due to the cessation of supplies via Nord Stream, the volumes of gas will not be compensated from previously made reserves, follows from the daily report of the Federal Network Agency of Germany.

Nord Stream rocked the European gas market

“Gas supplies via Nord Stream 1 have been suspended by the Russian side. Accordingly, the consumption data shown will be zero tomorrow. The missing volumes will not be compensated by previously made gas reserves,” the document says.

At the same time, injection into German gas storage facilities continues.

“The overall level of occupancy (of storage facilities) in Germany is 83.65%. The level of (occupancy) of the storage facility in Rehden (Germany’s largest UGS facility, Rehden, which was previously owned by Gazprom through subsidiaries) is 66.88%,” he said. regulator.

Nord Stream was stopped for three days, from 04:00 Moscow time on August 31 to 04:00 Moscow time on September 3. This is due to routine maintenance at the only working gas compressor unit at the Portovaya compressor station Trent 60.

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After completion of the work, in the absence of technical malfunctions of the unit, gas transportation will be restored to the level of 33 million cubic meters per day, Gazprom assumes.