In Poland, they figured out how to save themselves from the energy crisis

MOSCOW, 28 Sep — PRIME. Anticipating power outages, Polish citizens are snapping up tourist gas stoves hoping to save on electricity and not be left without food in the event of a blackout, reports Business Insider Polska.

The Baltic Pipe gas pipeline was solemnly opened in Poland

It is noted that “gas portable stoves should help those who cook using induction hobs.”

Business Insider Polska quotes a local resident, Evelina, who purchased the stove: “We talked to friends about options and they were the ones who came up with the idea. lasted longer.”

Evelina noted that many of her friends do the same.

“There is growing concern not only about the lack of electricity, but also about high bills. A gas stove can help save a little on the household budget,” she hopes.

However, the publication mentions the Allegro online store, which reported that sales of tourist gas stoves were already 110% higher than the same period last year.

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