The study showed how the number of vacancies in the field of IT increased in a month

MOSCOW, 28 Sep — PRIME. The number of vacancies in the field of IT and telecommunications increased by 15% in September in Russia, this is due to the growth of business activity, according to the SuperJob study, the results of which are at the disposal of RIA Novosti.

Mishustin announced the need to support IT subsidiaries of large companies

“Vacancies in the field of IT and telecommunications increased by + 15% over the month, mainly due to the growth of the engineering, technical support and communications segments. The increase in the number of vacancies, not only in IT, but also in other areas, is largely due to the growth of business activity , which is typical for September,” the experts found out.

The company’s analysts calculated the number of applicants with higher education from the total number of applicants for this position. It is clarified that the highest rate is for programmers working in C Sharp (C#) – 82%. In second place are specialists with competencies in software development and administration (DevOps), their figure was 81%. Java programmers and Android developers close the list, their ratio was 80%.

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The authorities of the Russian Federation in the context of anti-Russian sanctions have taken a number of measures to support companies in the IT industry. In particular, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a law establishing a zero income tax rate for IT companies for 2022-2024.

On September 21, Putin signed a decree on a partial mobilization in the country. According to Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, 300 thousand people are subject to conscription from the reserve, primarily those with combat experience and the military registration specialty necessary for the troops.

On Friday, the Ministry of Defense announced that in order to ensure the operation of certain high-tech industries, as well as the financial system of Russia, a decision was made not to recruit citizens with higher education in the relevant specialties and areas of training as part of the partial mobilization of citizens with higher education. In particular, we are talking about the fact that IT, communications, media and finance specialists will not be involved in partial mobilization. The Ministry of Digital Development supported this decision.

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