In Switzerland, the work of the crematorium was changed to save gas

ZURICH, Oct. 7 — PRIME. The authorities in the Swiss city of Winterthur have adopted the first package of measures taken to save energy, including adjusting the operation of the local crematorium.

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“Individual measures may save only a little energy, but they have an external effect. They are designed to motivate the inhabitants of Winterthur, in turn, to save energy, because every kilowatt-hour of energy saved counts,” the city council of Winterthur said in a statement.

So, in order to save gas, the city authorities decided to suspend the operation of one of the two cremation lines, and extend the operation of the remaining one.

“The crematorium at the Rosenberg cemetery is one of the most modern in Switzerland and has two gas-fired cremation lines. The Stadtgrün (department in charge of the city’s cemeteries and crematoria – Ed.) one furnace line. Cremations are held from 5 am to 10 pm, and not from 6 am to 6 pm,” the statement says.

Thus, the city authorities expect to save about a third of the gas required for the operation of the crematorium.

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In addition, a new technology for pouring ice will be used in the local sports complex. It will make it possible to cool the ice cover less frequently, which will help save from 3,000 to 5,000 kWh per month.

The second package of energy saving measures will be introduced shortly. It, in particular, involves turning off the illumination of the city’s sights at night and limiting lighting at Christmas.

According to the statement, the council is actively supporting the federal government’s energy conservation campaign and is developing its own measures to set an example for the public.