In the European Union, they are confident before winter against the backdrop of filled UGSFs

BRUSSELS, September 6 — PRIME. The current filling level of underground storage facilities gives the European Union “some reassurance” as winter approaches, European Commission Executive Vice President Margrethe Vestager said at a news conference.

EU countries continue to rapidly fill UGS facilities by winter

She noted that the level of “blue fuel” in storage facilities in the European Union exceeded 80%.

“That means there’s some confidence in the transition into winter,” Vestager said.

As noted on the website of the Association of Gas Infrastructure Operators of Europe (GIE), on average in the European Union, where 18 out of 27 states have UGS facilities, their filling rate as of September 4 was 81.92%.

The threshold of 80% in the EU was passed at the end of August, a year earlier the indicator was at the level of about 67%, in 2020 and 2019 – around 91%, in 2018 – about 73%, in 2017 – about 76%.

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The European Commission stated that it is important for the EU to be prepared for possible interruptions in gas supplies from Russia and to have enough reserves of “blue fuel” before the new heating season. In early March, the EC presented a bill on gas reserves, which was adopted in June. Under these new rules, the countries of the union must fill their storage facilities with “blue fuel” by at least 80% by November 1, 2022, and in subsequent years – by 90%. At the same time, for the current year, states were recommended to strive for 85%.

Gas storages usually provide 25-30% of the “blue fuel” consumed in Europe in winter, the European Commission reported in summer.