The head of the Ministry of Energy of France spoke about the preparation of the country for winter

MOSCOW, 6 Sep — PRIME. France has managed to mobilize all the resources and prepare in the best possible way for the upcoming winter, said the country’s Minister of Energy Transformation Agnès Panier-Runachet.

In Ukraine, reported a shortage of gas reserves for the winter

French gas storage facilities were 92% full on Friday.

“Following the government plan, by mobilizing resources, France has shown that it is in the best position to survive the winter. Our gas storage facilities are as full as possible, we have a functioning LNG terminal, we have launched a biogas project. All this contributes to strengthening our resilience” , the minister said during an address to reporters, adding that France is less dependent on Russian gas than other EU countries.

Pannier-Runache stressed that France remains a major energy power.

Earlier, President Emmanuel Macron said that France intends to supply more gas to Germany, from which, in turn, plans to receive electricity. At the same time, at the end of August, the Minister of Economy and Finance of France, Bruno Le Maire, called on French enterprises to reduce energy consumption and prepare for a “particularly tough winter.”

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A number of French companies, including two large glass producers Duralex and Arc, said they had already partially reduced production volumes and transferred a number of employees to part-time employment. Around 30 pools have been shut down since Monday due to rising energy bills in the metropolitan area.

This summer, the French government launched an “energy sobriety” program with the goal of reducing electricity consumption by ten percent to avoid shortages in the coming winter.