In the Zaporozhye region, they expressed their disappointment with the IAEA resolution

SIMFEROPOL, 16 Sep — PRIME. Volodymyr Rogov, chairman of the “We are with Russia” movement, a member of the main council of the administration of the Zaporozhye region, said that the IAEA resolution on the Zaporozhye NPP is disappointing and shows bias.

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Earlier, the IAEA Board of Governors adopted a resolution demanding that Russia “immediately cease actions against and at the ZNPP.” There were 26 votes in favor of the resolution, two against, and seven abstained. Prior to this, the mission visited nuclear power plants, leaving two of its representatives there on a permanent basis.

“The resolution, on the one hand, is disappointing, since we still had hope that the IAEA still has a bit of integrity and independence, on the other hand, it is proof that the organization is incapable of an objective and unbiased investigation,” Rogov told RIA Novosti.

According to him, the IAEA resolution, despite the evidence received, did not say that the main and only culprit of the shelling of the nuclear power plant are the Ukrainian troops, while the Russian military personnel act as a guarantor of security and protection of the nuclear power plant from external terrorist threats.

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ZNPP is located on the left bank of the Dnieper near Energodar. This is the largest nuclear power plant in Europe in terms of the number of units and installed capacity. Since March, it has been under the protection of the Russian military. The Russian Foreign Ministry stressed the justification for the Russian military to guard the power plant from the point of view of preventing leaks of nuclear and radioactive materials. The Ukrainian military regularly shell Enerhodar, the surrounding villages and the territory of the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant adjacent to the city.