Injection of gas into EU storage facilities increased in September

MOSCOW, September 5 – PRIME. The pace of pumping gas into the underground storage facilities of the European Union has accelerated since the beginning of September, despite the shutdown of the Nord Stream for an indefinite period, follows from the data of the Association of Gas Infrastructure Operators of Europe (Gas Infrastructure Europe, GIE).

The Permanent Representative to the European Union spoke about the record profits of Gazprom

It is noted that on September 1-3, the rate of filling UGS facilities is 0.35-0.39 percentage points.

The dynamics could be supported by a decrease in energy prices on the spot market in Europe, where since August 30, the most popular “day ahead” and “weekend ahead” contract has dipped from almost $3,240 per thousand cubic meters to $1,800 on September 3-4. In general, on the gas day of September 3 (ended at 7.00 Moscow time on September 4), European “subways” are filled by 81.55%, they contain about 88.15 billion cubic meters.

On September 3, Gazprom did not resume the operation of the Nord Stream, explaining this by the identified malfunctions at the only working GPA CS Portovaya. Germany’s Siemens said in response that it did not consider them a technical reason for shutting down the gas pipeline. But after Gazprom announced that Siemens is participating in the repair work of the unit, it detects malfunctions and is ready to fix them, but because of the sanctions, there is nowhere to do this. At the same time, Russian gas supplies through Ukraine remain at the same levels.

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Meanwhile, according to the WindEurope association, wind generation in Europe has grown with the advent of autumn. Over the weekend, it amounted to 13-15% of the total electricity generation in Europe, while on September 1 it was at the level of 9.2%.