Jordan and Saudi Arabia to connect power grids by 2025

MOSCOW, Sep 27 – PRIME. Jordan and Saudi Arabia have agreed to begin commercial operation of the interconnected power grid in the second half of 2025, Amjad Ravashda, CEO of Jordan’s National Electric Power Company (NEPCO), said.

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“The parties agreed that in the second half of 2025 they will commercially launch the project (combining power grids – ed.),” the head of NEPCO told reporters following negotiations with the Saudi delegation in Amman on the progress of work on interconnecting the power grids of the two countries.

The launch of the project will allow Riyadh and Amman to improve the reliability of power supply and make it more economical due to the flexible distribution of the reserves of a single power grid, Ravashda said. According to him, NEPCO is simultaneously implementing several similar projects with neighboring countries, which will allow Jordan to become one of the regional hubs in the power industry.

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Jordan and Saudi Arabia in 2020 signed a memorandum on the unification of the power grids of the two countries. It is expected that by the end of 2022 the parties will sign a full package of documents necessary to launch the project.