Kaspersky has recorded an increase in spyware attacks on smartphones

MOSCOW, 20 Oct – PRIME. The number of spyware attacks on user smartphones from January to September 2022 in the world increased by 29% compared to the same period last year and reached almost 800,000, according to a study by Kaspersky Lab, the results of which are available from RIA Novosti.

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“In January-September 2022, the number of Trojan-spyware attacks on mobile device users worldwide increased by 29% compared to the same period in 2021. In Russia, during this time, the company recorded more than 320,000 such attacks, and there were almost 800 thousand,” the study says.

It is noted that these programs collect personal data of the user without his consent and transfer them to attackers. “They can access correspondence on social networks and instant messengers, intercept and analyze keystrokes, take screenshots. And this is not a complete list of their possible functionality. Malware is used both to spy on ordinary users and as part of complex targeted attacks on companies “, the study notes.

The company added that it is extremely difficult to independently determine that spyware is installed on the device. Indirect signs include a fast battery drain or a large amount of traffic consumption. However, to make sure that spyware is running on the device, you should use a security solution or contact specialists.

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“In order to collect data about a person, attackers and ill-wishers can use spyware or stalker software. The latter are commercial surveillance programs. They are usually used by those who are closely acquainted with the victim – to install such software, you need direct access to a smartphone. By the way, in 2022 last year, our solutions recorded almost 55,000 attacks on Russian users using stalker applications,” explains Viktor Chebyshev, cybersecurity expert at Kaspersky Lab, whose words are quoted in the message.