Le Pen predicted hard winters for France

MOSCOW, 4 Oct — PRIME. France will have a tough winter due to EU anti-Russian sanctions, but next winter is likely to be even tougher, says Marine Le Pen, leader of the National Rally faction in the French parliament.

“These sanctions not only don’t work, but they also sanction the French themselves. This winter will be hard for us, and the next one may be even harder,” she told BFMTV.

According to the politician, the restrictions on Russia turned out to be counterproductive and only allowed Moscow to increase oil revenues.

Le Pen believes that the responsibility for the plight of the Europeans lies with those who made the decisions on anti-Russian measures.

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Western countries have imposed unprecedented sanctions against Russia in connection with a special operation in Ukraine. Some of the restrictions affect, among other things, the energy sector. This led to the aggravation of the energy crisis in Europe, the region was faced with a shortage of fuel and rising prices for it.

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In the summer, the French government launched an “energy sobriety” program to reduce electricity consumption by ten percent and prevent shortages in the coming winter. In addition, in order to save money in France, the use of illuminated advertising was limited and it was forbidden to keep the doors open when the air conditioner was running.