“Libra cryptocurrency will be launched in the second half of 2020”

Libra cryptocurrency will be launched in the second half of 2020

The head of Libra Association said that the organization intends to launch cryptocurrency and remove regulatory barriers by the second half of next year.

In an interview with the French publication Les Echos, Libra Association CEO Bertrand Perez said the token is scheduled to be released in the second half of 2020. According to Peres, Facebook does not want to create a new money offer through a token.

He cited the example of BlackRock, the world’s largest asset manager, and said that Facebook did not want to compete in this market.

“We do not want to become the new BlackRock,” he said Les Echos. “That’s why the fears about the destabilizing effect that our cryptocurrency may have on the fiat currencies of the central banks that appear in our basket seem unfounded to us.”

Perez confirmed that Libra will be provided after launch
major world currencies. In addition, Perez is confident that all regulatory problems will be resolved by the time the cryptocurrency is launched.

“The year we took to prepare for the release will allow us to resolve all issues,” he added.

The Libra Association and Facebook have to solve a lot of problems for launching their cryptocurrency. France spoke this week
against the spread of Libra in Europe, although the position of other European countries is softer. At the same time, the other day, the Libra Association filed
Application for a payment system license in Switzerland.