Manturov spoke about the funds needed to develop LNG equipment

TYUMEN, September 21 — PRIME. The need for additional funding for the development of LNG equipment in Russia is estimated at 15 billion rubles until 2025, the Ministry of Industry and Trade is already working to find them, Deputy Prime Minister – Head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade Denis Manturov told reporters.

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He clarified that this year a total of 3 billion rubles will be allocated for research and development (R&D) on LNG equipment.

“Taking into account the need to carry out the remaining 11 top-priority R&D, develop an appropriate test base, as well as master the production of additional types of LNG equipment, the need for which arose from Novatek and Gazprom in the current economic conditions, the total costs for the period up to 2025 we we estimate it at more than 15 billion rubles,” Manturov explained on the sidelines of the Industrial and Energy Forum.

“Of course, we see the need to increase the amount of funding for these activities and are working to find additional funds for the period 2023-2025,” he stressed.

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Manturov also clarified that, in accordance with the current mechanism for compensating part of the costs of R&D, the volume of co-financing of work by companies should be at least 30%. In practice, the share of the company’s own funds in the total cost of R&D is about 50%.