Materials of dust filter for PC: types and characteristics

Materials of dust filter for PC: types and characteristics

On a few occasions when we are going to buy an anti dust filter we look more for the size and for the price than really for the type of material used for that purpose.

Different types of materials for dust filters

The reality is that the filter material is as important as the frame or the price, since if this does not suit the fan that will go behind or the internal air flow of the chassis, we may be creating a resistance that worsens the performance.

Therefore, we will know the main materials for dust filters From the market.

Nylon / Polyester

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<p>They are very common materials, widely used in top brands such as <strong>Demciflex</strong>, since they have as main advantages their <strong>flexibility </strong>and to be able to manufacture them with a fairly fine mesh. They are usually characterized by including a more or less rigid frame, either plastic <strong>ABS</strong> or flexible, so they have an added cost advantage.</p>
<p>This is not an impediment for us to find <strong>magnetized</strong>On the contrary, flexibility is a point in favor of manufacturers opting for this type of material in their magnetic products.</p>
<p><strong>Nylon or polyester are the most recommended materials for dust filters</strong> Due to the fact that they are sufficiently dense in their mesh, but do not become too restrictive for the passage of air, therefore, the vast majority of chassis manufacturers use these materials for their filters.</p>
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<p>The stiffness of these types of metal-based dust filters gives them some interesting advantages in some models: they can be found <strong>no frames</strong>, which leaves the metal mesh as the filter itself with its corresponding holes.</p>
<p>This gives them a tiny thickness, which in certain chassis is necessary. We can find other versions with this material and with metal frames, which add extra resistance to the set and also allow the mesh to take unusual shapes to improve air flow.</p>
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<p>They are indicated if we have fans with low static pressure, since they will suck less air in front of the filter. Its composition and distribution of the mesh is usually <strong>less dense</strong>, which allows a greater passage of air, but will not retain the smallest and smallest particles.</p>
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<p>Normally manufactured with the same material as the filters of the smoke masks that we see so much in the big Asian cities, these filters have the peculiarity that they are, as a rule, electrostatic. Therefore and knowing this, we have to take into account that they are extremely dense, which is only indicated for places with a lot of dirt, either <strong>dust, lint, tobacco or environmental pollution.</strong></p>
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<p>In addition, our fans should have a <strong>very high static pressure</strong>, so that they can extract air from the outside or expel air out of the chassis, depending on the type of pressure, whether negative or positive.</p>
<p>They are currently in disuse because it implies a very high fan expenditure, and also significantly increases the noise produced by said fans. It can be found in rolls for other purposes, where the material will be the same.</p>
<h2>Polyurethane filter foam</h2>
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