Media: Belarusian petrochemical complex operates smoothly

MOSCOW, 29 Aug – PRIME. Andrei Rybakov, chairman of the Belarusian State Concern for Oil and Chemistry (Belneftekhim), reported to President Alexander Lukashenko that Belarusian petrochemical enterprises are operating smoothly against the backdrop of Western sanctions. This was reported by the Belta agency.

Deputy Prime Minister of Belarus announced good pace of cooperation with Russia

As the newspaper writes, Andrei Rybakov reported that it was possible to ensure the uninterrupted operation of absolutely all enterprises included in the concern.

“We have provided all payments in the required amount to the budget, payment for all energy resources is made on time, wages are paid in full and on time. Moreover, for 6 months, real wages in general for the concern correspond to the level of last year,” the agency quotes him as saying.

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It is noted that Lukashenka first of all inquired about the work of oil refineries, as well as the completion of the modernization of two Belarusian refineries and, if there are problematic issues, what are their causes.

In general, the head of state was interested in how the country’s petrochemical complex is adapting to the sanctions regime.

“We all say: ‘Oil, oil’. Petrochemicals, chemical products. How do enterprises work? Even if there are not many of them, they are powerful, large. The same thing: what happens at these enterprises? How are sales and exports going?” the president asked.

Lukashenka also drew attention to “a considerable layer of problems” in import substitution, stressing that this is a topic that also concerns Belneftekhim. The Belarusian leader raised the issue of developing cooperation with Russia “on the formation of a single territory for oil and gas.”