Media: BP will temporarily increase oil and gas production in the North Sea and in the United States

MOSCOW, 7 Oct — PRIME. British BP expects to short-term increase oil and gas production in the North Sea and in the US shale fields to combat the global energy crisis, Reuters reported, citing Gordon Birrell, head of production and operations at BP.

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The publication recalls BP’s plans to cut oil and gas production by 40%, or 1 million barrels of oil equivalent per day, from 2019 to 2030 as part of a strategy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and create a large renewable energy business.

At the same time, BP plans to increase production in the North Sea and US shale deposits in the short term. BP has targeted the North Sea and US shale basins to increase oil and gas production in the short term in response to the global energy crisis.

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Now the company produces about 130 thousand barrels per day in the North Sea, 317 thousand barrels per day were produced from shale deposits in the United States in the first half of the year. “We are moving ahead with some projects in the North Sea,” Birrell said, adding that one such project is the Murlach field.

Birrell added that the company has invested heavily in technology to reduce carbon emissions from shale deposits, including by electrifying drilling rigs in the oil-rich Permian Basin. “The development phase is ongoing and we are investing more and more in response to the energy crisis. Some of it goes directly to drilling and production, some to reduce emissions from enterprises,” he said.

BP is a British company, one of the six largest oil and gas corporations in the world. Founded in 1909.