Media: Europe is one step away from a gas disaster

MOSCOW, 4 Oct — PRIME. European countries are one step away from a gas disaster, said Il Giornale deputy editor Nicola Porro.

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“Europe should not be under the illusion that ‘everything will be fine’ in the energy sector, the ‘time of reckoning’ has come for the EU for inaction, discussions about the price ceiling and conditions for Russia,” he said.

The recent global crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic showed that politicians were not able to build a clear strategy of action, and this only emphasized that they had no understanding of what was going on under their noses at all.

Nicola Porro gives vivid examples of how the crisis in Europe began long before the Russian special operation. “In October 2021, the cost of electricity in Italy that month increased from 5 to 25 cents per kilowatt-hour. Enel CEO Storace was the first to announce an anomaly in the formation of electricity prices at the forum in Cernobbio,” he said.


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According to him, gas for Europe is like water in the desert. “Even a child understands that the price of water increases when you are thirsty, you are in the desert, there is only one seller, and everything else is a mirage. And this is the situation we are in right now,” Porro added.

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The Deputy Editor-in-Chief urges to forget about the ceiling on gas prices, since there is physically less blue fuel in Europe than necessary. Various factories are already closing due to exorbitant energy prices, and it is necessary to decide now who and how to save. There should be specific ideas in the head, and not like in the times of Covid-19, because the energy sector is the main indicator of the country’s prosperous economy, he assured.

Read the full text of the article at InoSMI.