Media: Hamburg opposed the creation of an LNG terminal in the city port

BERLIN, 7 Oct – PRIME. The Senate of the German city of Hamburg has spoken out against the creation of a liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminal in the city’s port because of problems for shipping that may arise later, the German news agency dpa reported. At the same time, the Senate proposed to consider the placement of a smaller LNG terminal vessel, the agency said in the material.

Previously, the City Authority planned to build an LNG port on the Süderelbe River. It was supposed that this terminal would be one of those with which the federal government wants to reduce dependence on Russian gas.

But, an environmental official said Thursday, the Senate has conducted a detailed examination, the results of which showed that the size of the LNG terminal, planned by the federal government, cannot be brought into line with the general conditions of the port in the short term.

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“In particular, the necessary measures to expand waterways and the risk of subsequently closing the southern part of the port to maritime traffic stand in the way,” the agency quoted the words of the representative of the environmental department. He believes that the Süderelbe would have to be closed to shipping twice a week, that is, whenever a tanker vessel with a new batch of LNG berths at the floating terminal, and each time for a period of 24 to 48 hours. That is how long the unloading process takes.

At the same time, on Friday it became known that the Senate, in agreement with the Federal Ministry of Economics, proposed to consider the placement of a smaller LNG terminal vessel.

“A temporary LNG terminal at the port of Hamburg only makes sense if it does not restrict the use of the rest of the port too much,” the environmental authority explained.

It is noted that the discussion about LNG terminals in Hamburg continues.

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Earlier, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said that the first terminal for receiving LNG in Germany will start operating in January next year, and from the end of 2023, Germany will be able to import LNG “at least” in four places: in the ports of Wilhelmshaven, Brunsbrüttel, Stade and Lubmin. According to him, this will allow Germany to become independent of gas supplies from Russia.