Russia allowed the possibility of repairing the Nord Stream

MOSCOW, 7 Oct — PRIME. The Russian side does not exclude the possibility of repairing the Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2 gas pipelines, damaged as a result of sabotage, the Russian Embassy in Denmark said.

“The Russian side does not exclude the possibility of repairing gas pipelines, but a decision on this can be made after examining the scene and assessing the extent of damage caused to gas pipelines,” the diplomatic mission said in a statement.

The embassy noted that Russia was the most affected party in the situation with the damage to the Nord Streams, Gazprom, as the owner of the gas pipelines, suffered significant damage.

“There was a deliberate sabotage against gas pipelines, which are one of the most important objects of Russia’s energy infrastructure. Russia in this case acts as the most affected party. The owner of these gas pipelines is the Russian company Gazprom. Significant damage was caused to its property,” the statement says.

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Diplomats added that the sabotage against gas pipelines is also a blow to the prospects of using these highways to supply Russian gas to Europe and maintain energy interaction between Europe and Russia.

In addition, the embassy stated that there are no norms and provisions in international law that prevent the participation of representatives of the Russian competent authorities and Gazprom structures in an international investigation at the scene.

“The 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea explicitly states that a coastal state ‘cannot interfere with the maintenance of pipelines’,” the statement said.