Media: in case of emergency at Nord Stream, a submarine cable could have been damaged

MOSCOW, 30 Sep — PRIME. As a result of emergencies on the Nord Stream and Nord Stream 2 pipelines, the deep-sea high-voltage Polish-Swedish cable Swepol Link could be damaged, SVT TV channel reports.

One of the leaks at Nord Stream 2 has become less intense

According to the channel, this transmission line, which is usually used for export and import of energy between Karlshamn (Sweden) and a station in Poland. It is laid on the bottom of the Baltic Sea, just 500 meters from one of the explosions.

The Swedish power transmission system operator Svenska kraftnät commented on the situation that the company has already sent in experts to check the integrity of the cable.

“Of course, we are wondering if something happened to him. We quickly got an image where he is about 500 meters from one of the explosions. We don’t know how serious the underwater explosion was. To make sure nothing happened, we will take measurements at the beginning of next week,” said Svenska kraftnät spokesman Per Kvarnefalk.

Location of a leak in a pipeline

Naryshkin spoke about the evidence of the involvement of the West in the gas leak

On Monday, September 26, an emergency occurred simultaneously on two Russian gas pipelines laid in Europe along the bottom of the Baltic Sea. According to Denmark and Sweden, two gas leaks were initially reported at Nord Stream and one at Nord Stream 2 near Bornholm Island. Later, a fourth leak was reported.

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The Russian side officially requested all information about the situation from Denmark about the state of emergency. The Nord Stream operator Nord Stream AG reported that the state of emergency on gas pipelines is unprecedented and it is impossible to estimate the repair time. The Prosecutor General’s Office initiated the initiation of a case on an act of international terrorism after the damage to gas pipelines.