Media: Qatar wants to supply energy to Europe on a long-term basis

MOSCOW, 21 Sep — PRIME. Qatar wants to focus on long-term contracts for the supply of energy to Europe, Bloomberg reports, citing Foreign Minister Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani.

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“Qatar is ready to help alleviate the energy supply crisis … but wants to focus on long-term contracts,” Al Thani said in an interview with the agency’s television channel.

At the same time, the media previously reported the opinion of the Emir of Qatar, Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, that the country, which occupies the third place in the world in terms of natural gas production, will not be able to completely replace Russian gas in the European market.

Meanwhile, German government spokesman Steffen Hebestreit said that Chancellor Olaf Scholz will visit Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Qatar over the weekend, where he will hold talks on cooperation in the fields of innovation, information technology and energy.

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Earlier, Focus published an investigation according to which German companies have not signed a single gas supply contract with Qatar, although after his trip to this Middle Eastern country in March and the subsequent conclusion of an energy partnership between the two countries, Vice-Chancellor, German Economy Minister Robert Habeck announced agreements. Later it became known that Qatar would supply liquefied natural gas to Italy instead of Germany.