Media: the government is discussing the possibility of liquidating Rosnano

MOSCOW, 19 Oct – PRIME. Rosnano may be liquidated due to financial problems exacerbated by anti-Russian sanctions, the Vedomosti newspaper reports, citing three federal officials and a source close to the company.

Chubais was hospitalized in one of the clinics in Europe

“According to them, the financial problems of the development institution worsened after the introduction of anti-Russian sanctions, in connection with which the state company actually lost the ability to independently service its obligations. As the federal official explained, the government questioned the advisability of supporting the state company’s viability from the budget in the current offered to consider the termination of the company’s activities,” the statement said.

According to one of the interlocutors of the publication, the head of the Russian Ministry of Finance Anton Siluanov described such prospects in an appeal to President Vladimir Putin. A source close to the development institute also knows that the position of the department is directed to the head of the Russian Federation.

“According to them, the discussed liquidation strategy provides for a more intensive sale of the assets of the state company and the preservation of that part of the portfolio companies of Rosnano that are significant for the technological development of the country. According to the interlocutors, this property can be transferred to other specialized state corporations,” the statement says. message.

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One of the federal officials and an interlocutor close to the company told the publication that Rusnano also has another perspective – “continuing the policy of clearing the balance, but maintaining the development institution as a center of innovation competence.” According to sources, the decision on the future of the state-owned company has not yet been made – everything will depend on the opinion of the president.

“We are monitoring the financial condition of the state-owned company within the framework of the renewed board of directors. All obligations, including those covered by state guarantees, will be fulfilled in full. We continue to work to stabilize the current situation and ensure the stable financial condition of the company,” the Ministry of Finance told Vedomosti .

JSC Rusnano, established in 2011 through the reorganization of the Russian Corporation of Nanotechnologies, was transferred to the structure of VEB at the end of 2020. Then Sergey Kulikov became the head of the company instead of its founder Anatoly Chubais.