Media: TotalEnergies promised customers bonuses for reducing energy consumption

PARIS, Sep 28 – PRIME. The CEO of the French energy company TotalEnergies, Patrick Pouyanne, has promised to provide bonuses to his customers for reducing electricity consumption, BFMTV reports.

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The CEO of TotalEnergies announced at a congress organized by the French Gas Association that customers will receive bonuses for reducing electricity consumption.

“We are in contact with millions of people. We can send them a clear message: “Tomorrow peak energy consumption is expected between 16.00 and 18.00. If you reduce your energy consumption during this period of time, we will give you bonuses,” Pouyanne said.

It is noted that the chairman of the board of directors of another large energy company – Engie – Jean-Pierre Clamadier did not rule out the adoption of similar measures.

“We are considering everything that will go in line with positive incentives, not sanctions,” he said.

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The French TotalEnergies is one of the largest energy companies in the world. It operates in more than 130 countries, producing oil and gas in Europe, the Middle East and North Africa, the Asia-Pacific region, and the Americas.

This summer, the French government launched an “energy sobriety” program with the goal of reducing electricity consumption by 10% to avoid shortages in the coming winter. The government called on businesses and transport companies to submit specific plans to reduce energy consumption.

In order to save energy in France, the ban on illuminated advertising has been expanded, and shops have been banned from keeping their doors open when the air conditioning or heating system is running. Retail outlets must turn off illuminated signs and air ventilation at night, reduce the brightness of lighting by 50% before the arrival of customers and by 30% during normal hours in case of a critical level of power consumption.

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