Bloomberg announced the intention of the EU to limit the transportation of Russian oil

Bloomberg announced the intention of the EU to limit the transportation of Russian oil

Oil tankers

MOSCOW, 28 Sep — PRIME. The European Union wants to ban European ships from transporting Russian oil if the volume of its purchases exceeds the agreed limit, Bloomberg reported, citing sources.

EU summit in Brussels
European Commission wants to ease sanctions against Russia, media reported

The EU is considering adding transportation restrictions to its oil sanctions as bloc countries continue to discuss imposing price caps on Russian oil.

According to the agency, the EU member states want to conclude an agreement in the coming weeks on the introduction of a price ceiling on Russian oil.

Western countries have introduced tough restrictive measures against Russia in connection with a special operation in Ukraine. The sanctions also affected the energy sector. Against this backdrop, Europe is faced with an intensifying energy crisis, rising fuel prices and a shortage of raw materials.

In early September, the finance ministers of the G7 member countries agreed to limit the price of Russian oil. As noted, the initial level of price caps will be adopted on the basis of technical aspects and may be revised in the future. In addition, it is allowed to introduce additional measures to ensure the effectiveness of the introduced measure.