Media: Turkey extended existing contracts with gas suppliers

ANKARA, 10 Oct – PRIME. Turkey extended existing contracts with gas suppliers and signed new contracts for liquefied natural gas (LNG), Oda TV reported, citing sources in the country’s energy ministry.

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Russia is the main gas supplier to Turkey. Bloomberg previously wrote, citing sources, that Turkey asked Russia to defer part of Ankara’s natural gas payments until 2024 in an attempt to mitigate the economic damage from higher energy prices. In turn, a RIA Novosti source in Ankara said that Turkey and the Russian Federation are not discussing the postponement of payments for Russian gas, negotiations are underway on the price, there are no problems in this regard.

“According to information received by Oda TV from sources in the Ministry of Energy, Turkey plans to prepare for the energy crisis as follows: existing contracts for natural gas, which are expiring, have been extended, while new contracts have been signed for LNG, underground natural gas storage Tuz Gölü and Silivri achieved 100% occupancy.Daily capacity increased from 92 million to 362 million cubic meters.There has been intensive energy diplomacy, and in recent months, under the leadership of the Minister of Energy and Natural Resources, Fatih Dönmez, special attention has been paid to international meetings in the field of energy. To resolve the energy crisis in the international arena, measures were taken and cooperation was established,” the TV channel reported.

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The channel’s message does not specify with whom the contracts were specifically extended, or whether Russia is included in this number.