The cybersecurity market in Russia will be consolidated, the expert believes

MOSCOW, 10 Oct – PRIME. The Russian cybersecurity market will consolidate around major domestic players to jointly replace the products of companies that have left the country, Yaroslav Galaiko, director of strategic and investment development at RTK-Solar, told RIA Novosti.

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In March, the developers of anti-virus programs Avast and Norton announced the suspension of their activities in Russia. According to RTK-Solar, 84% of customers from the Russian Federation in 2023 plan to replace certain Western solutions with Russian protective equipment.

“Now there is a trend towards the consolidation of the information security market around major domestic players. And it is not associated with the weakening of other ways to attract investment, which, of course, are in decline – the trend is primarily due to the departure of foreign suppliers,” Galaiko said.

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According to him, with the departure of foreign suppliers, a number of product niches have opened up in which there is no replacement among Russian solutions. “Filling these niches will bring huge growth to those Russian developers who will be able to provide a solution that meets the emerging needs of the market in a short time. Considering that some product classes have been developed by foreign suppliers for decades, it is often impossible to release a functionally equivalent solution by one vendor,” said expert.

Related to this is the interest of large companies in strategic partnerships, which will allow both parties to accelerate production and increase market share, Galaiko said. “In this sense, venture investments lose to investments from strategists – strategic investments from an industry player provide, among other things, gain through experience and expertise, a stack of ready-made technologies and developments, and access to sales channels,” he added.

“One of the promising niches is the class of NGFW network security systems. According to RTK-Solar analysts, the share of foreign NGFW suppliers by the beginning of 2022 was 80%, and by 2025 it is expected to fall to 25%. At the same time, the network security market by by the end of 2021, in monetary terms, took a significant share of the overall information security market,” the expert added.

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