Memories in Google Photos are also available in the browser

Memories in Google Photos are also available in the browser

Although the Mountain View giant focuses primarily on developing a mobile application, it does not forget about Google Photos in the desktop version. It took a while, but finally Memories appeared in her.

Memories in Google Photos are to remind us of nice moments by displaying photos and videos, but also providing information about people from photos, travels, animals or events captured with the help of a camera and a camera. The feature has been available for some time on mobile devices, but it is finally going to the browser version as well.

Source: AndroidPolice

Now users will be able to view Memories in a similar way as in a mobile app. Selected photos and videos will be displayed at the top, which will be selected by Google algorithms for us. Each photo will be displayed for 10 seconds by default before the next one appears. You can also configure the preview yourself, also from a smartphone, because Memories share the settings with the user’s phone. If we hide any material or details, they will not be displayed in the browser.

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