Miller told what is needed to restore the Nord Stream

MOSCOW, 13 Oct – PRIME. The restoration of Nord Stream may require the construction of a new compressor station (CS) for Russian turbines, said the head of Gazprom, Alexei Miller.

Miller said that the restoration of Nord Stream will take more than one year

He recalled that the Portovaya compressor station (which pumped gas into Nord Stream) had problems with Siemens turbines, since its only plant for overhaul is located in Canada, which imposed sanctions against the Russian company.

“Today, there is not a single working turbine at the Portovaya compressor station, and in this regard, the issue regarding the restoration of Nord Stream 1, as you understand, is also aggravated by the fact that it is actually necessary to build a new compressor station then already under other, Russian turbines,” he said on the air of Channel One.

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Preliminary calculations, according to Miller, show that “it is much faster to build everything anew.” “No one said that our European partners or Germany want to restore the blown threads. This is the first. Second, there are regulatory issues, there are sanctions issues, there are legal issues. And there are economic issues,” he added.

Supplies via Nord Stream, which was the main route for gas supplies from Russia to Europe, have been significantly reduced since mid-June due to technical problems caused by sanctions after the start of the military operation in Ukraine, and have completely stopped since the end of August.

A month later, on September 26, damage was discovered on three of the four strings of the Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2 gas pipelines, the causes of which have not yet been explained. Nord Stream AG reported that the damage was unprecedented and the repair timeline could not be estimated. The Prosecutor General’s Office of Russia initiated a case on an act of international terrorism. The European Union is investigating the possible causes of the damage.

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