Moldova continues to disconnect debtors from gas

MOSCOW, 29 Aug – PRIME. “Moldovagaz” disconnects debtors from gas networks throughout the country, the press service of the company said.

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“Moldovagaz” began to turn off debtors at the end of July, by August 1, more than 700 points of consumption were turned off. The company warned that natural gas supplies would resume after full payment of the debt and reconnection fees. In order to avoid accumulating debt for natural gas, an advance payment must be made within up to 12 months.

“As of August 25, 2022, the debt of end consumers for the supplied natural gas amounted to 55.872 million lei ($2.8 million), including 19.254 million lei (almost $1 million) from non-household and 36.618 million lei (1.8 million dollars) from residential consumers. In order to avoid an increase in debt for the supplied natural gas, Moldovagaz JSC initiates the procedure for disconnecting from networks from August 29, 2022 for non-residential consumers, and from September 1 for residential consumers,” the press release says.

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Earlier it was reported that the National Agency for Energy Regulation (ANRE) increased the gas tariff for consumers from 18.62 lei to 23 lei per cubic meter (from 96 cents to 1.2 dollars). At the same time, the price of gas from Gazprom in August is $1,458, and according to forecasts for September, it will be $1,692 per thousand cubic meters.