Moldova receives natural gas

CHISINAU, 1 Oct – PRIME. Gas deliveries to Moldova are carried out in a regular mode, Vadim Cheban, head of the Moldovagaz company, said on Saturday.

Moldova will use reserve gas if Gazprom cuts off supplies

“Supplies of natural gas to Moldova, with a daily volume of 5.7 million cubic meters, are proceeding as usual. According to preliminary calculations, the purchase price of the energy carrier will be $1,031 per thousand cubic meters,” he wrote in his Telegram channel.

Earlier, Deputy Prime Minister of Moldova Andrei Spinu said that in October Gazprom would reduce by 30% the volume of gas supplies to the republic for both banks of the Dniester.

The contract between “Gazprom” and “Moldovagaz” provides for two formulas for calculating the price. From April to September, the cost of gas consists of 70% of the average monthly gas price for the previous month (TTF front month) and 30% of the price of the oil basket. From October to March, 70% of the cost falls on the oil basket, and 30% on the average gas price.

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Now the republic is experiencing an energy crisis due to rising energy prices. The authorities intend to reduce gas consumption in winter by at least 15%, and have also developed and submitted for discussion a plan that includes turning off street lighting, lowering the central heating temperature, transferring schoolchildren and students to distance learning. Starting from August 1, Moldovagaz began disconnecting consumers who did not pay for natural gas supply services on time.

In October last year, the Moldovan authorities agreed with Gazprom to extend the contract for the supply of gas to the republic, subject to an audit of the Moldovagaz debt in 2022. “Gazprom” said that, taking into account the situation in Moldova, it was decided to sign the contract practically on the terms of the Moldovan side, but subject to timely 100% payment of current payments.