Moldova switched to full self-sufficiency in electricity

CHISINAU, 11 Oct – PRIME. Moldova has agreed to increase the volume of energy production at the Moldavskaya GRES, since the country cannot receive electricity from Ukraine, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Infrastructure Andrei Spinu said.

Moldova reduced gas consumption by almost 40 percent in September

Ukraine’s Energy Ministry said on Monday that the country was halting electricity exports from October 11 due to rocket attacks. By October 15, Moldova planned to purchase 33% of the required electricity from the Ukrainian companies Energoatom and Ukrhydroenergo.

“Today, starting from 03.00 am (coincides with Moscow time – ed.), October 11, 2022, Moldova receives all electricity from the Moldavskaya GRES. Now our priority is to provide the country with electricity for the nearest period at the lowest possible price in this difficult situation,” wrote to Spin in the Telegram channel.

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He noted that “Moldovagaz” additionally allocated 0.9 million cubic meters of gas to the Moldavian State District Power Plant for the production of electricity needed within 24 hours. At the same time, Moldova is negotiating with Ukraine, Romania and the European Union to find a good solution to provide the country with electricity.

CJSC Moldavskaya GRES operates on the territory of Transnistria, since 2005 it has been part of Inter RAO.