Moldova will be able to buy gas directly from Romania

CHISINAU, 3 Oct – PRIME. Moldovan Energocom has received a license to buy natural gas on the Romanian market, Moldovan Deputy Prime Minister Andrei Spinu said.

Europe is back to filling gas storage

“We start the week with good news from the energy sector: Energocom, a state-owned enterprise, has received a license from the Romanian National Energy Regulatory Agency and can buy/sell natural gas on the Romanian market,” he wrote on his Telegram channel.

In addition, Energocom was registered on the regional booking platform and has access to gas storage facilities in Ukraine, Spinu said.

The prime minister also said that the state enterprise Moldelectrica signed an agreement with Transelectrica Romania for an emergency supply of electricity, if necessary, since Moldova depends on natural gas supplies in this area.

Moldova is currently experiencing an energy crisis. In May, anti-government rallies swept the country. The protesters opposed the increase in gas and food prices, and were outraged by rising inflation and falling living standards.

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Gazprom confirmed the volume of gas supplies to Moldova in October

Starting from August 1, Moldovagaz began cutting off consumers who did not pay for natural gas supply services on time, and since October, gas tariffs have increased in the republic.

Gazprom previously warned that Moldova regularly violates the terms of payment for the supplied Russian gas, so far, due to the country’s position, the issue of historical debt has not been resolved, which entails the risk of terminating the contract at any time.