Moldova will create gas reserves in case of emergencies

CHISINAU, 29 Sep – PRIME. The Cabinet of Ministers of Moldova approved at a meeting on Thursday the creation of reserves of natural gas in case of emergencies, the press service of the Cabinet reported.

Moldovan authorities spoke about the possible purchase of gas from Romania

“The government has approved the creation and maintenance of natural gas reserves in case of emergencies. According to the document, the Energocom joint-stock company will be identified as an entity for the creation and maintenance of reserves of natural gas reserves,” the message posted on the Cabinet’s website said.

In the natural gas retail market, suppliers will pay financial contributions to Energocom for the creation and maintenance of marginal reserves. The minimum volume of natural gas to be stored is 22.8 million cubic meters.

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Reserve natural gas can be used only on the basis of a decision of the Commission for Emergency Situations.

Moldovan President Maia Sandu

The President of Moldova doubts that Gazprom will reduce the price of gas for the country

The republic is experiencing an energy crisis due to rising energy prices. Earlier, Deputy Prime Minister Andrei Spinu said that the authorities intend to reduce gas consumption in winter by at least 15%. The authorities have developed and submitted for discussion a plan that includes turning off street lighting, lowering the central heating temperature, transferring schoolchildren and students to distance learning. On August 1, the Moldovagaz company began disconnecting consumers who did not pay for the services for the supply of natural gas on time.

The Moldovan authorities agreed with Gazprom in October 2021 to extend the contract for the supply of gas to the republic, subject to an audit of the Moldovagaz debt in 2022. “Gazprom” said that, taking into account the situation in Moldova, it was decided to sign the contract practically on the terms of the Moldovan side, but subject to timely 100% payment of current payments. Gazprom has the opportunity to stop gas supplies to the republic at any time.

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