Moldova is preparing to cut off gas supplies, said the country’s Deputy Prime Minister

MOSCOW, 29 Sep — PRIME. The Moldovan government is considering the option of terminating the supply of “blue fuel” by Gazprom and is preparing to buy gas on the market from other suppliers, said Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Infrastructure Andrei Spinu.

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The contract between Gazprom and Moldovagaz provides for two formulas for calculating the price. From April to September, the cost of gas consists of 70% of the average monthly gas price for the previous month (TTF front month) and 30% of the price of the oil basket. From October to March – 70 % of the cost falls on the oil basket, and 30% – on the average gas price.

According to the Deputy Prime Minister, the transition to the “winter formula” will allow Moldova to buy fuel from Gazprom at a price of $1,050 per thousand cubic meters. However, he said, representatives of Gazprom did not confirm that they would continue delivering gas to Moldova in October, since Moldovagaz had not paid the advance payment.

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“Given the global gas crisis and the fact that Gazprom has not yet confirmed the continuity of supplies, the government is preparing several scenarios to reduce these risks. What we are doing: buying fuel for Termoelektika; increasing gas reserves; taking measures to reduce consumption; Energocom is preparing to buy gas on the market,” Spinu said in the Telegram messenger, adding that the Moldovan government is ready to take other measures to provide the population with gas.