Naftogaz of Ukraine reduced gas production by two percent

MOSCOW, 3 Oct — PRIME. Naftogaz Ukrainy has reduced gas production by 2% this year, but plans to increase it by developing deposits in the west of the country, said Yuriy Vitrenko, chairman of the company’s board.

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“Our company has lost part of the wells, but thanks to the heroic work of the gas workers, the decrease in production is minimal – 2% from the beginning of the year …. We plan to intensively unlock the potential of fields in western Ukraine, which is quite large,” Vitrenko is quoted on the company’s website.

The Naftogaz Group is increasing gas production in the western regions of Ukraine using new technologies and equipment. gas transmission system by 2% more blue fuel compared to 2021,” Vitrenko said.

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Naftogaz annually increases capital investments in exploration and production. In particular, next year investments will grow by 15% after the approval of the financial plan of Naftogaz by the government,” the head of the company added.

According to data on the Naftogaz website, gas production in 2021 amounted to 12.93 billion cubic meters. In June, Vitrenko said that Naftogaz expects a decrease in gas production in the country in 2022 – compared to 2021 – by 5-10%, to 12 billion cubic meters.