NIVIDIA has been the victim of a hacking attack. Over 1 TB of data stolen and encrypted

NIVIDIA has been the victim of a hacking attack.  Over 1 TB of data stolen and encrypted

The Vx-underground group, which makes virus and malware available to the public as a “warning”, announced that NIVIDIA has been attacked by a South American hacker group LAPU $. As part of it, over 1 TB of data was stolen and encrypted.

Hackers stole and encrypted over 1TB of NVIDIA data as part of a ransomware attack

It is certain that the attack did take place. Admittedly, NVIDIA has not yet officially confirmed this, stressing only that it is only investigating the incident. However, Bloomberg reached sources that confirm both the attack itself and its details. According to this information, the group launched a ransomware attack on NVIDIA’s internal servers and stole over 1 TB of data from them.

The theft concerned employees’ email accounts (NVIDIA’s recent problems with email systems confirm this, as well as the driver source code that was published and who knows? Maybe it will contribute to the development of noveau, NVIDIA’s unofficial open-source graphics drivers.

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The extent of the attack is still unknown, but it is interesting that NVIDIA, after detecting the attack, tried to bite off the hackers and encrypt the stolen data. The company tried, but nothing came of it, because the group reportedly made a copy of them in a virtual machine environment, becoming immune to such a counterattack.