“No political force is able to destroy bitcoin”

“No political force is able to destroy bitcoin”

US Congressman Patrick McHenry (Patrick McHenry) in an interview with CNBC said that no political force is not able to destroy Bitcoin.

During interview he was asked if the regulators would allow cryptocurrency to continue developing, to which McHenry replied:

“The forces that could destroy Bitcoin does not exist in nature. Even the Chinese with their famous firewall and strong intervention in the life of the cryptocurrency community can not do anything with the development of Bitcoin. It is all about the distributed registry that underlies the first cryptocurrency. I want to say that Bitcoin cannot be destroyed. ”

The congressman also commented on other cryptocurrency projects that are trying to “imitate” Bitcoin.

“New technologies like this are trying to imitate Bitcoin and state that they also have a distributed registry, but this is not so. Such projects are not fully opened, so they can be destroyed using various mechanisms, ”he said.

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However, McHenry acknowledged the fact that the authorities can control the legal status of Bitcoin and thus regulate its use by the general public. However, even this is not able to overshadow the progress that the first cryptocurrency managed to achieve in 10 years of its existence.

“10 years ago this project was nonsense, which people were willing to share for free. Now this “nonsense” costs about $ 10,000, ”concluded McHenry.