Nuls and Aleph complete successful testing of new stacking engine

Nuls and Aleph complete successful testing of new stacking engine

The Nuls blockchain platform and Aleph Layer 2 interconnect network announced the successful completion of joint testing of the new Staked Coin Output (SCO) stacking mechanism.

According to the developers, the technology allows stacking some tokens, while receiving payments in others. NULS owners can choose any token issued on the same platform, which they will receive as a reward for participating in consensus-building as a complete unit that validates blocks.

“A person who wants to receive a reward must hold 2,000 NULS, since consensus complete nodes produce blocks, and stacking nodes are engaged in their validation. If the token holder delegates its stacking complete node to the consensus node for the SCO project, it has the right to receive alternative tokens instead of NULS as a consensus award. For example, if he delegates a full node for the Aleph project, he accordingly receives Aleph tokens, ”the developers explained.

In the first day of testing, the Aleph network received more than 2 million NULS tokens for stacking. In dollar terms, this is about $ 1.25 million. The first complete node of 500,000 tokens was filled up within a few hours after the network was launched.

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The developers suggest that such a scheme can attract the attention of community members to new projects, support the issue of tokens in their blockchains, and thereby help them financially without campaigns of the type of ICO or IEO.

“SCO has every chance to give an impetus to the development of high-level projects and to support innovations interesting to the Nuls community. Investors do not risk anything, since the maximum that they can lose is their reward, but not the main amount, ”said Nuls co-founder Raper Ran. – You do not send your child immediately to the “real world”. First, he goes to college and receives the necessary knowledge. It’s exactly the same here. ”