Poland declared a “period of danger” in the electricity market on Friday

MOSCOW, Sep 23 — PRIME. The Polish Electricity Networks (PSE) announced a “danger period” for the electricity market for Friday evening, the operator of transmission systems said in a statement.

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“On Friday, September 23, 2022, PSE announced periods of danger in the electricity market: 19-20 and 20-21 (20-21 and 21-22 Moscow time)”, the operator’s representatives noted.

It is explained that during this period, electricity generating enterprises “will have to provide an appropriate level of capacity in the system”, and enterprises participating in the DSR system (demand reduction system) must limit their consumption.

The PSE clarifies that the declaration of a “danger period” is due to “lack of sufficient reserve in the system”. This situation is caused by emergency losses of generating units and low generation in renewable energy sources, especially in the evening, the operator specified.

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It is noted that the announcement of a “period of danger” “does not affect consumers of electricity if they do not participate in the electricity market as demand reduction units.”