Poland implemented a plan to protect infrastructure after the emergency at Sevpotok

WARSAW, September 29 — PRIME. Poland has implemented a plan to protect critical infrastructure after the damage to the Nord Stream, said Marek Suski, head of the parliamentary commission on energy, climate and state assets.

Zakharova called the US the beneficiary of the state of emergency at Nord Stream

On Monday, incidents occurred simultaneously on two Russian export gas pipelines to Europe. According to information from the authorities of Denmark and Sweden, two gas leaks were discovered at Nord Stream and one at Nord Stream 2 near the island of Bornholm. Germany, Denmark and Sweden do not rule out targeted sabotage.

“I can only assure you that a plan for various protection of our critical infrastructure has been developed and has already been implemented. Procedures have been implemented. We are protecting our critical infrastructure,” Susky said, answering a question about what has been done in Poland in connection with the emergency at Nord Stream “.

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At the same time, he said that the country’s authorities fear an attack on their infrastructure from Russia. Susky stressed that he could not talk about the details of Poland’s plan to protect critical infrastructure.

The Russian side officially requested information from Denmark about the emergency at Nord Stream as soon as the incident became known. The Danish authorities notified the Russian Federation about the explosions at the site of the gas leak. The operator of Nord Stream, Nord Stream AG, reported that the state of emergency on gas pipelines was unprecedented, and it was impossible to estimate the timing of repairs.

The Prosecutor General’s Office of Russia initiated the initiation of a case on an act of international terrorism after the damage to the Nord Stream gas pipelines. First Deputy Representative of the Russian Federation to the UN Dmitry Polyansky said that an urgent meeting of the UN Security Council in connection with sabotage against the Nord Stream gas pipeline was scheduled for 22.00 Moscow time on Friday.

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