Poland imposed sanctions on Gazprom Export with an asset freeze

WARSAW, September 29 — PRIME. Poland has imposed sanctions on Gazprom Export, including the freezing of all assets, according to the ministry of internal affairs and administration of the republic.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Poland on Thursday updated the list of sanctioned companies and individuals. It includes OOO Gazprom Export headquartered in St. Petersburg, Russian Federation.

It is explained that the sanctions include “freezing all financial and economic resources, a ban on the provision of any financial or economic resources.”

In the spring of this year, Poland imposed its own sanctions against 50 Russian individuals and legal entities, including Gazprom, Novatek, Akron, PhosAgro, Go Sport, Kaspersky Lab, Oleg Deripaska, Mikhail Fridman, Mikhail Gutseriev, Vyacheslav Kantor, Evgeny Kaspersky, Igor Sechin, Viktor Vekselberg.

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