Poland may freeze electricity prices for budget-conscious citizens

WARSAW, September 15 — PRIME. The Polish government wants to freeze electricity prices for thrifty citizens, Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki told reporters.

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“For electricity, we want to introduce… a price freeze at the level of 2022,” Morawiecki said. He specified that prices would be frozen “up to a certain level of electricity consumption.”

“We also want to introduce an additional savings bonus mechanism. And it will be such a whole system, a whole package, the purpose of which will be to reduce energy consumption, while at the same time mitigating price increases for the entire Polish society,” he added.

Earlier, Poland refused to supply Russian coal. In turn, Gazprom on April 27 suspended gas exports by the Polish PGNiG due to non-payment for deliveries under the new scheme in rubles. All this provoked a sharp rise in prices for energy carriers and electricity.

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The head of the Polish government specified that “for those who consume electricity up to 2,000 kilowatt-hours a year,” the innovation “would mean freezing” prices.