Russia will reduce the duty on oil exports from October 1

MOSCOW, 15 Sep — PRIME. The average price of Russian Urals oil for the period from August 15 to September 14 was $72.65 per barrel against $83.06 per barrel a month earlier; The duty on oil exports from Russia will decrease by $7.6 from October 1 to $44.4 per ton, follows from the materials on the website of the Ministry of Finance.

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“The average price of Urals oil for the monitoring period from August 15, 2022 to September 14, 2022 amounted to $72.65 per barrel, or $530.4 per ton. According to the calculations of the Russian Ministry of Finance, the export duty on oil in the Russian Federation from October 1, 2022 the year will decrease by $7.6 and will amount to $44.4 per ton,” the report says.

Currently, the export duty on oil is $52 per ton.

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The duty on light oil products and oils will drop to $13.3 from $15.6 per ton, and on dark ones to $44.4 from $52. The duty on the export of commercial gasoline will drop to $13.3 from $15.6 per ton, and straight-run (naphtha) to $24.4 from $28.6 per ton.

Duty on liquefied natural gas (SPBT) from October 1 will decrease to $90.7 from $91.6, on pure LPG fractions – to $81.6 from $82.4, on coke – to $2.8 from $3.3 dollar per ton.