Polkadot will launch the Kusama network to experiment with the protocol

Polkadot will launch the Kusama network to experiment with the protocol

This summer, an experimental version of the Polkadot blockchain interaction protocol, called Kusama, will be launched.

The Polkadot development team stated that Kusama will be “an early, unverified, and non-ideal version of the Polkadot protocol.” In this case, Kusama will not be a test network, but it will be decentralized and will not receive the possibility of a central outage.

“Kusama will serve as a testing ground and will allow teams and individual developers to create and deploy parachey, as well as to try out the functionality for managing and distributing Polkadot in real conditions,” said
co-founder of Ethereum and creator of Polkadot Gavin Wood (Gavin Wood) in a message on the platform of Medium.

Note that last month this expected cryptocurrency public project conducted a private sale of DOT tokens and brought its capitalization to $ 1.2 billion. At the same time, Kusama network will receive its own KSM token.

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The Kusama network should allow different projects to start developing products for Polkadot. At the same time, the main network of the protocol should start later this year.

“We are developing state-of-the-art and experimental technology, which means that we cannot promise how Kusama will work or what it will allow to do. But we should expect a lot of chaos (and a bit of fun), ”concluded Wood.

Recall that the Polkadot project appeared at the end of 2016, and a detailed description of the protocol for blockchain interaction was published on Bits.Media a little later.