Putin assessed the prospects for hydrogen energy

MOSCOW, 21 Sep — PRIME. Pure hydrogen is an inexhaustible source of energy, and its development will become in demand in the future, Russian President Vladimir Putin said during a meeting with leaders of advanced engineering schools.

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“In my opinion, this is the most common element in space, in the universe, so it is an inexhaustible source of energy. It’s absolutely perfect,” he said.

The head of state stressed that neither the wind nor the sun can compete with hydrogen as an energy source.

Putin noted that hydrogen energy requires serious work in many areas. According to him, if Russia manages to develop new technologies for producing hydrogen, the country will be able to maintain its leadership position in the energy sector even when hydrocarbons are no longer used. “We have every opportunity for this, that’s for sure,” the president said.

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At the same time, so far, talk about the departure of hydrocarbons is only “Wishlist of the West,” Putin stressed.